“During the spring, I went to Frank to get fitted for my driver. He fitted my old driver against a number of newer ones, trying my original shaft, stock new shafts, lighter shafts, and shorter shafts. The fitting was very thorough but throughout the results were easily understandable. Ended up with an M1 driver, and M2 5 wood, with shortened, lightweight shafts. Consistency of contact, trajectory, distance, and results all have been improving.
I went into the driver fitting without any real plan to get the rest of my bag fitted but I was so impressed with my driver fitting that I decided to get fitted for the rest of my bag, to see how my current specs were and if an upgrade was warranted.
During my iron fitting, I was open to anything, whether it was staying or modifying my current equipment, or getting an upgrade. Frank could have very easily sold me the most expensive equipment that netted him the most profit, but he was honest and upfront with what was working best for me. Very professional, gave me the necessary information, and let me make the decision, rather than try to sell me something. I ended up with M2 irons, with upgraded, shorter shafts. I also had him upgrade my wedges to the M2 iron specs, and also got a Callaway XR OS hybrid, with similar specs to my woods. As with the woods, the upgraded irons/wedges have resulted in improved contact, trajectory and distance.
I even had a putter fitting, and the results were that my current putter worked well for me, but I will be going back to check out the Taylormade Itsy Bitsy.
I’ve been so impressed with the experience and trust in Frank’s advice and work that I will be custom ordering a driver for my Father and I’ll use Frank for any other custom work I plan to get done in the future.”